
Reading to Unlock the Mysteries of the World

Why study Psychology, Science, or Spirituality? And why study all three for that matter?

Plato's "Theory of Forms", which Plato's Socrates seems to point to time and again in Plato's writings, states that the only truth is abstract ideas. Since these abstract ideas get filtered through our senses, the only truths we can reach in the material world is a subjective perversion of the real truth.

In the scientific method, a hypothesis is an idea that is proposed in order to provide an explanation for some sort of phenomenon. To test a hypothesis we need to observe and record data in order to come to a conclusion. The data has to be repeatable to prove that it wasn't a fluke. So we can propose a hypothesis based on Plato's "Theory of Forms" that psychology, science, and spirituality are all stating the same thing in different subjective ways which means that there's an abstract truth of which all these subjective views arise from. And in order to prove the hypothesis we'd have to observe what these different disciplines have to say and find if there's common ground between them.

By studying books on Psychology, Science, and Spirituality we will test the hypothesis that they are all stating the same truth in different subjective ways. By discovering these truths we can also apply these truths to our lives in order to better them.

As the Bible states in Deuteronomy 19:15 (New International Version), "One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses." We can apply this idea to our hypothesis testing as well - one similarity is not enough, but two or more can be seen as evidence.

So over the course of this "book club" we'll look at books that deal with a variety of subjects. Try to find the links between them. I will put up some questions, chapter by chapter, that will help you think about the content of the book.

If we prove the hypothesis correct we will have created a Theory that we can work with. I'd call it the Theory of Alchemy as Alchemy is a practice in which alchemists believe that science, psychology, and spiritualism are all the same. Alchemy, in fact, is where we get chemistry from. Chemists are essentially alchemists that have dropped the spiritual aspect of the discipline.

So let us journey forward and test the hypothesis! And remember to apply the truths to your life so you can better it. Knowledge is only power if we can use it in some way, shape, or form.

- Tony Piccirillo  

Outwitting the Devil Chapter 5 Questions

Question 1:
"Q :So I am to believe that big, strong, smart men can be wound up and manipulated through flattery, just as if they were so much putty? Is that possible?
A: Is it possible? It is happening every minute of the day. Moreover, unless they are non-drifters, the bigger they come, the harder they fall when the expert flatterer moves in on them. "
External quote:
"From every ancient source, we have testimony to Cleopatra's irresistible charm, as Plutarch has it, to her ability to speak many languages including, as he puts it, the language of flattery and essentially, to be able to turn people to her will - really a great political genius, in that respect."
-Stacy Schiff
Cleopatra used flattery and charm to persuade men like Caesar and Mark Antony in order to rule and become powerful. Hitler used his flattery of Germany, being a once great nation, to persuade people to do his bidding. Do politicians also try and flatter us to gain votes from us? What other people use flattery to gain power or something they want from others?

Question 2:
“A: One of my most effective tricks is known to you as propaganda. This is the instrument of greatest value to me in setting people to murdering one another under the guise of war.
The cleverness of this trick consists mainly of the subtlety with which I use it.
I mix propaganda with the news of the world. I have it taught in public and private schools. I see that it finds its way into the pulpit. I color moving pictures with it. I see that it enters every home where there is a radio. I inject it into bill- board, newspaper, and radio advertising. I spread it in every place of business where people work. I use it to fill the divorce courts and I make it serve to destroy business and industry.
It is my chief instrument for starting runs on banks. My propagandists cover the world so thoroughly that I can start epidemics of disease, tum loose the dogs of war, or throw business into a panic at will.”
Pick one area in which propaganda is being used and explain how it can negatively affect us.

Question 3:
“A: I make my first entry into an individual's mind by bribing him.
Q: What do you use as a bribe?
A: I use many things, all of them pleasant things the individual covets. I use the same sort of bribes that individuals use when they bribe one another. That is, I use for bribes the things people most want.”
Give an example of how one of the Devil's bribes can cause us to lose track of our goal or of our humanity.

Question 4:
“A: I go to work immediately to occupy as much of that person's mind as I can master. If the individual's greatest weakness is the desire for money, I begin to dangle coins before him, figuratively speaking. I intensify his desire and induce him to go after money. Then when he gets near it I snatch it away from him.
This is an old trick of mine. After the trick has been repeated a few times, the poor fellow gives in and quits. Then I take over a little more space in his mind and fill it with the fear of poverty. That is one of my best mind-fillers.”
Why does the Devil have to cause us to fail and quit in order to fill our minds with fear?

Question 5:
“Why, do you suppose, rich men's sons seldom equal the achievements of their fathers? I'll tell you why. It is because they have been deprived of the self-discipline which comes from being forced to work.
Look into the records of moving picture stars or athletes who suddenly find themselves in possession of big money and hero worship and praise from the public. Observe how quickly I move in and take them over in many cases, mainly through sex, gambling, food, and liquor. With these I catch and control the biggest and the best of people as soon as they get their hands on big money.”
Why do you feel that the lack of self-discipline makes celebrities, athletes, and other individuals that fall into money quickly so susceptible to the Devil?

Question 6:
“A: That is exactly correct. I can-and I do-interest non- drifters in my bribes, because I use for the purpose of bribery the things all people naturally desire, but the non-drifter resembles a fish that steals the bait from your hook but refuses to take the hook.
The non-drifter takes from life whatever he wants, but he takes it on his own terms. The drifter takes whatever he can get, but he takes what he gets on my terms.
Stating the matter in another way, the non-drifter borrows money from a legitimate banker, if he wants it, and pays a legitimate rate of interest. The drifter goes to the pawn shop, hocks his watch, and pays a suicidal rate of interest for his loan.”
Why does the drifter, in this situation, resort to selling his watch and paying such a large interest for his loan? Is this similar to individuals resorting to credit cards and selling what they have to buy what they cannot afford?

Question 7:
“Q: Now I am beginning to better understand your technique. You bribe your victims through their natural desires and lead them astray while you induce them to become drifters if they respond to your lure. If they refuse to respond, you plant the seed of fear in their minds or trap them through some form of misfortune, and hog-tie them while they are down. Is that your method?”
So he makes us drift and if that doesn't work he hands us negative circumstances or seeds of fear and doubt. Why do you believe the Devil is so successful in his efforts most of the time?

Question 8:
“A: Be definite in everything you do and never leave unfinished thoughts in the mind. Form the habit of reaching definite decisions on all subjects.”
Why is it important to never leave unfinished thoughts in our minds?

Outwitting the Devil Chapter 4 Questions

Question 1:
"As I have stated, I help to bring people into your world with
weak brains by giving to them, before birth, as many as possible
of the weaknesses of their ancestors. You call this principle
"physical heredity." After people are born I make use of what
you earthbound call "environment" as a means of controlling
The Devil mentions that he gets to us through nature and nurture (heredity and environment). In what ways does heredity weaken our minds through fear? Can fear of a hereditary disease cause us to not live life to the fullest?

Question 2:
"As I said before, I start people drifting during their youth.
I induce them to drift through school without knowing what
occupation they wish to follow in life. Here I catch the majority
of people. Habits are related. Drift in one direction and soon
you will be drifting in all directions. I also use environmental
habits to give me a definite grip on my victims."
Why is it so easy to drift when we are younger? Are there ways we can teach our youth to be independent and focused on a goal?

Question 3:
"I cause the parents to teach their children to believe as the parents do in connection with religion, politics, marriage, and other
important subjects. In this way, as you can see, when I gain control of the mind of a person I can easily perpetuate the control by causing that person to help me fasten it upon the minds of
his offspring."
Do you find that this is often true with individuals? For example: a child rooting for the same sports team as their parents, believing the same religion, being a democrat or republican because their parents are, believing whatever teachers tell them, etc.

Question 4:
"Schoolteachers help me gain control of the minds of children not so much by what they teach the children as because of what they do not teach them. The entire public school system
is so administered that it helps my cause by teaching children
almost everything except how to use their own minds and
think independently.School children are taught not to develop and use their
own minds, but to adopt and use the thoughts of others.
This sort of schooling destroys the capacity for independent
thought, except in a few rare cases where children rely so definitely upon their own will power that they refuse to allow others to do their thinking. Accurate thought is the business of
my opposition, not mine!"
When teachers teach us theories as if they are facts or tell us the opinion of a "great mind" of someone long dead as if its an objective truth are we unintentionally telling kids to not rely on their own thoughts and beliefs and instead believe what they are being taught, whether they agree or not?

Question 5:
"I cause it to appear that everything done by the parents, the
schoolteachers, and the religious instructors is being done by
my opposition.
This diverts attention from me while I manipulate the
minds of the young. When religious instructors try to teach
children the virtues of my opposition, they generally do so
by frightening them with my name. That is all I ask of them.
I kindle the flame of fear into proportions which destroy the
child's power to think accurately. In the public schools the
teachers further my cause by keeping the children so busy
cramming non-essential information into their minds they
have no opportunity to think accurately or to analyze correctly
the things their instructors teach them."
The Devil can make it appear as if works of God are being done when it is really his doing. He also uses the cramming of non-essential information to prevent us from thinking or analyzing what our teachers teach us to see if they are really sound. Why is it that we put so much trust in our teachers that we don't question what we are taught? And why is it so easy for the Devil to disguise himself as God?

Question 6:
"I cause people to drift on every subject through which I
can control independent thought and action. Take the subject
of health, for example. I cause most people to eat too much
food and the wrong sort of food. This leads to indigestion and
destroys the power of accurate thought. If the public schools
and the churches taught children more about proper eating,
they would do my cause irreparable damage."
Marriage, Occupation, Savings, Environment, and our Dominating thoughts are all areas that the Devil can cause friction and harm in to further his grasp on us. Pick one of these areas and explain how you feel the Devil can control us through it.

Question 7:
"Yes, that is correct. Any habit which causes one to procrastinate-to put off reaching a definite decision-leads to the habit of drifting."
What do you think of the Devil's description of a drifter (pg. 92-93)?

Question 8:
"The first sign of a non-drifter is this: He is always engaged
in doing something definite, through some well-organized
plan which is definite. He has a major goal in life toward which
he is always working, and many minor goals, all of which lead
toward his central scheme."
Why is it important for us to have a goal oriented life in order to escape drifting and the grasp of the Devil?

Outwitting the Devil Chapter 3 Questions

Question 1:
"My physical appearance? Why, my dear Mr. Earthbound,
I have no physical body. I would be handicapped by such an
encumbrance as those in which you earthbound creatures live.
I consist of negative energy, and I live in the minds of people
who fear me. I also occupy one-half of every atom of physical
matter and every unit of mental and physical energy. Perhaps
you will better understand my nature if! tell you I am the negative
portion of the atom. "
This is a very interesting spiritual (negative energy), psychological (in the minds of people) and scientific (the negative portion of the atom) view the Devil has of himself. In terms of the scientific view - could it be that we as human are metaphorically the neutral charges of an atom that get influenced by gaining a negative charge (electron) through such things as fear and doubt? Could we also drop an electron (negative thoughts) to become positively charged like an atom?

Question 2:
"I plant these fears in the minds of people so
deftly that they believe them to be their own creation. I accomplish
this end by making people believe I am standing just
beyond the entrance gate of the next life, waiting to claim them
after death for eternal punishment. Of course I cannot punish
anyone, except in that person's own mind, through some form
of fear-but fear of the thing which does not exist is just as
useful to me as fear of that which does exist. All forms of fear
extend the space I occupy in the human mind."
If fear is referred to as being planted in our minds, does that mean it can bloom and become much more than it originally was? The Devil also mentions that he cannot punish anyone except through a person's own mind. Do we sometimes punish ourselves through negative thoughts about ourselves or our situation?

Question 3:
"My next best friend is ill health. An unhealthy body discourages thinking. Then I have countless thousands of workers on earth who aid me in
gaining control of human minds. I have these agents placed in
every calling. They represent every race and creed, every religion."
Why are we more prone to discouraging thoughts when we feel sick? Th Devil also makes mention of his agents. Do humans plant seeds of fear and doubt in the minds of others and why do you believe they do this?

Question 4:
"Do you know I have millions of people, young and old, of
both sexes, who smoke two packages of cigarettes a day? That
means I have millions of people who are gradually destroying
their power of resistance.
One day I shall add to their habit of cigarette smoking
other thought-destroying habits, until I shall have gained control
of their minds.
Habits come in pairs, triplets, and quadruplets. Any habit
which weakens one's will power invites a flock of its relatives to
move in and take possession of the mind. The cigarette habit
not only lowers the power of resistance and discourages persistence,
but it invites looseness in other human relationships .
Once I get a young person to join my two-package-a-day club, I have no
trouble in inducing that person to take on the habit of liquor,
over-indulgence of sex, and all other related habits which
destroy independence of thought and action."
This, again, was written way before we knew about the dangerous addictive nature of cigarettes.The 1988 report, "The Health Consequences of Smoking: Nicotine Addiction: A Report of the Surgeon General" is what brought cigarette addiction to the public forefront. That's 50 years after this book.
What other habits do you believe weaken one's will power, discourages persistence and ambition, or lowers resistance?

Question 5:
"Right at the moment I am trying to bring about another world war. My
friends here in Washington are helping me to involve America
in the war. If I can start the world to killing on a wholesale
basis, I shall be able to put into operation my favorite device
for mind control. It is what you may call mass fear.
I used this device to bring about the other World War in 1914. I used it to
bring about the economic depression in 1929, and if my opposition
had not double-crossed me I would now be in possession
of every man, woman, and child in the world.
You can see for yourself how near I came to world domination-the thing I
have been struggling to attain for thousands of years."
Remember that this was written in 1938, a year before the start of WWII and it would still be two years until America joined the war. The Devil said he was already working on the World War and trying to use people in Washington to make the US join. Why is it that mass fear is so destructive? Is mass fear sometimes brought about by the fear of a few?

Outwitting the Devil Chapter 2 Questions

Question 1:
"The 'other self' follows no precedents, recognizes no limitations, and always finds a way to accomplish desired ends!
It may meet with temporary defeat, but not with permanent
Do you believe that we sometimes allow what could be a temporary defeat become a permanent one? Does making a temporary defeat permanent cause us to lose opportunities in life?

Question 2:
"I have also discovered that there comes with every experience of temporary defeat, and every failure and every form of
adversity, the seed of an equivalent benefit.
Mind you, I did not say the full-blown flower of success,
but the seed from which that flower may be made to germinate and grow. I know of no exception to this rule. The seed of
which I speak may not always be observed, but you may be sure
it is there, in one form or another."
What does this quote mean to you? Do you believe that sometimes the seed of benefit is overlooked by cynical people or people who have fear on their throne? Do you think subjectivity plays a role in whether we see the seed of benefit or not?

Question 3:
"My experience with prayer has taught me that so often all which
results from prayer is a plan (if the prayer is answered at all),
a plan that is suited for the attainment of the object of the
prayer through natural and material media. The plan must be
transmuted, through self-effort action."
Do you think that thoughts or plans that appear in our minds may actually be answers to desires or prayers we have been dwelling on? Are we responsible for making those answered prayers and desires manifest in reality through doing our part and acting on these plans? Is this the same idea as "God helps those who help themselves"?

Question 4:
"I was astounded, when I first tried this plan of offering a prayer of thanks for what I already possessed, to discover what a vast fortune I had owned without being appreciative of it.
For example, I discovered that I possessed a sound body
which had never been seriously damaged by illness. I had a
mind which was reasonably well balanced. I had a creative
imagination through which I could render useful service to
great numbers of people. I was blessed with all the freedom I
desired, in both body and mind. I possessed an imperishable
desire to help others who were less fortunate."
Do we sometimes take for granted all that we have accomplished or all of our intangible assets? Are we sometimes blinded to things that have gone well in our life when fear takes the throne? Why do you think fear and negative emotions blind us to the things we should be grateful for?

Question 5:

"If Edison had stopped by merely wishing for the secret
with which electric energy might be harnessed and made to
serve through the incandescent lamp, that convenience to
civilization would have remained among nature's multifarious
secrets. He met with temporary defeat more than 10,000 times
before wresting this secret from nature. It was finally yielded
up to him because he believed it would be, and he kept on
trying until he had the answer."
Why do we wish more often than we believe? Do you think that if you were Edison's friend back then and didn't know that he would eventually succeed, after over ten thousand time of failing, would you tell him to quit after failing a thousand times? A hundred times? Ten times? Three times? Why do we prefer to quit than to continue trying?

Question 6:
"The state of mind known as faith apparently opens to one
the medium of a sixth sense through which one may communicate with sources of power and information far surpassing any available through the five physical senses. There comes to your aid, and to do your bidding, with the development of the sixth sense, a strange power which, let us assume, is a guardian angel who can open to you at all times the door to the Temple
of Wisdom. The "sixth sense" comes as near to being a miracle
as anything I have ever experienced, and it appears so perhaps
because I do not understand the method by which this principle is operated."
The sixth sense Napoleon talks about is called the collective unconscious by our government research scientists, God or spirit by the spiritual, and the subconscious mind by psychologists - have you ever experienced a gut feeling or thought that either warned you of danger or gave you a good idea that benefited you? Do you think it'd be easier to access this positive energy with faith on the throne?

Question 7:
"((P + T) x A x A) + F = Your Personal Success Equation
Combining your Passion with your Talent and then
seeking the right Association and taking the right Action are
very important components for Success . . . but it is when
you combine all those components with a strong Faith in
yourself and your mission that you truly have Your Personal
Success Equation."
Why do you think faith is so important in this personal success formula?

Outwitting the Devil Chapter 1 Questions

Question 1:
"Fear is the tool of a man-made devil. Self-Confident faith in one's self is both the man-made weapon which defeats the devil and the man-made tool which builds a triumphant life. And it is more than that. It is a link to the irresistible forces of the universe which stand behind a man who does not believe in failure and defeat as anything but temporary experiences."

What does this quote mean to you?

Question 2:
Do you think Andrew Carnegie is right when he says that schools teach abstract knowledge, but not how to apply the knowledge for individual achievements?

Question 3:
Do you think it's important to fail even more so than how to succeed?

Question 4:

"Most failures are due to limitations which men set up in their own minds."

What does this mean to you? How do you feel about this idea?

Question 5:

"I suffered the worst of all human ailments: indecision"
Do you believe in indecision's power to paralyze? How do you feel about indecision?

Question 6

"You had to be cured of your stubbornness through disappointment"
Why do you believe disappointment was used to cure Napoleon's stubbornness?

Question 7:

"Every time I looked at myself in the mirror I noticed an expression of self-contempt on my face" 

"I was thoroughly disgusted with myself"
Napoleon Hill's fear turned into a depression and lack of confidence in himself. Do you believe in fear's ability to shift you into depression?

Question 8:

"Then like a flash of lightning out of a clear sky, an idea burst into my mind with such force that the impulse drove my blood up and down my veins: 'this is your testing time. You have been reduced to poverty and humiliated in order that you might be forced to discover your other self'"

Why do you think his "other self" waited until this moment to reveal himself to Napoleon? Do you think if he revealed himself earlier that Napoleon wouldn't learn anything?

Question 9:

"It became apparent that my other self was determined to wean me away from the inferiority complex which I had developed"

Do you believe that this was the best way for Napoleon to change his self-image? Is this the same concept as "fake it until you make it" or "acting as if"?

Question 10:

"It knows no limitations, has no fears, and recognizes no such word as 'impossible'"

If we are all occupied by both faith and fear, our Yin and Yang, why, do you suppose, we so often choose the limited fear over the limitless faith?

Question 11:

"The expression on my face had changed from one of doubt to one of courage and faith"

Can you tell through your body language when fear or faith is on the throne of your mind? Can you see it in others as well? Will you reexamine your thoughts next time fear is on your throne?

Book 1: Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill

So what is "Outwitting the Devil" and why is it the first book on our journey?

"Outwitting the Devil" by Napoleon Hill was written in 1938, but was too controversial to be released.  It was eventually released in June 2011 by Sterling Publishing. That's 73 years after it was written! That in itself makes this book quite fascinating.

What's even more interesting is that there are things proclaimed in this book which haven't been discovered until, in some cases, over 50 years later.

In the book, Napoleon claims to have spoken to the Devil, whether it is the real Devil or simply the dark subconscious side of himself or the darkness of the collective unconscious is not entirely revealed. Perhaps its all three.

Because of the open-ended way this book explains the Devil I have placed this book under both spirituality and psychology in our attempt to see if there are linking ideas leading to hidden truths.

You can purchase this book quite cheaply over at Amazon and be prepared for some thought provoking questions and one hell of a read!