Question 1:
"Q :So I am to believe that big, strong, smart men can be wound up and manipulated through flattery, just as if they were so much putty? Is that possible?
A: Is it possible? It is happening every minute of the day. Moreover, unless they are non-drifters, the bigger they come, the harder they fall when the expert flatterer moves in on them. "
External quote:
"From every ancient source, we have testimony to Cleopatra's irresistible charm, as Plutarch has it, to her ability to speak many languages including, as he puts it, the language of flattery and essentially, to be able to turn people to her will - really a great political genius, in that respect."
-Stacy Schiff
"From every ancient source, we have testimony to Cleopatra's irresistible charm, as Plutarch has it, to her ability to speak many languages including, as he puts it, the language of flattery and essentially, to be able to turn people to her will - really a great political genius, in that respect."
-Stacy Schiff
Cleopatra used flattery and charm to persuade men like Caesar and Mark Antony in order to rule and become powerful. Hitler used his flattery of Germany, being a once great nation, to persuade people to do his bidding. Do politicians also try and flatter us to gain votes from us? What other people use flattery to gain power or something they want from others?
Question 2:
“A: One of my most effective tricks is known to you as propaganda. This is the instrument of greatest value to me in setting people to murdering one another under the guise of war.
The cleverness of this trick consists mainly of the subtlety with which I use it.
I mix propaganda with the news of the world. I have it taught in public and private schools. I see that it finds its way into the pulpit. I color moving pictures with it. I see that it enters every home where there is a radio. I inject it into bill- board, newspaper, and radio advertising. I spread it in every place of business where people work. I use it to fill the divorce courts and I make it serve to destroy business and industry.
It is my chief instrument for starting runs on banks. My propagandists cover the world so thoroughly that I can start epidemics of disease, tum loose the dogs of war, or throw business into a panic at will.”
“A: One of my most effective tricks is known to you as propaganda. This is the instrument of greatest value to me in setting people to murdering one another under the guise of war.
The cleverness of this trick consists mainly of the subtlety with which I use it.
I mix propaganda with the news of the world. I have it taught in public and private schools. I see that it finds its way into the pulpit. I color moving pictures with it. I see that it enters every home where there is a radio. I inject it into bill- board, newspaper, and radio advertising. I spread it in every place of business where people work. I use it to fill the divorce courts and I make it serve to destroy business and industry.
It is my chief instrument for starting runs on banks. My propagandists cover the world so thoroughly that I can start epidemics of disease, tum loose the dogs of war, or throw business into a panic at will.”
Pick one area in which propaganda is being used and explain how it can negatively affect us.
Question 3:
“A: I make my first entry into an individual's mind by bribing him.
Q: What do you use as a bribe?
A: I use many things, all of them pleasant things the individual covets. I use the same sort of bribes that individuals use when they bribe one another. That is, I use for bribes the things people most want.”
“A: I make my first entry into an individual's mind by bribing him.
Q: What do you use as a bribe?
A: I use many things, all of them pleasant things the individual covets. I use the same sort of bribes that individuals use when they bribe one another. That is, I use for bribes the things people most want.”
Give an example of how one of the Devil's bribes can cause us to lose track of our goal or of our humanity.
Question 4:
“A: I go to work immediately to occupy as much of that person's mind as I can master. If the individual's greatest weakness is the desire for money, I begin to dangle coins before him, figuratively speaking. I intensify his desire and induce him to go after money. Then when he gets near it I snatch it away from him.
“A: I go to work immediately to occupy as much of that person's mind as I can master. If the individual's greatest weakness is the desire for money, I begin to dangle coins before him, figuratively speaking. I intensify his desire and induce him to go after money. Then when he gets near it I snatch it away from him.
This is an old trick of mine. After the trick has been repeated a few times, the poor fellow gives in and quits. Then I take over a little more space in his mind and fill it with the fear of poverty. That is one of my best mind-fillers.”
Why does the Devil have to cause us to fail and quit in order to fill our minds with fear?
Question 5:
“Why, do you suppose, rich men's sons seldom equal the achievements of their fathers? I'll tell you why. It is because they have been deprived of the self-discipline which comes from being forced to work.
Look into the records of moving picture stars or athletes who suddenly find themselves in possession of big money and hero worship and praise from the public. Observe how quickly I move in and take them over in many cases, mainly through sex, gambling, food, and liquor. With these I catch and control the biggest and the best of people as soon as they get their hands on big money.”
“Why, do you suppose, rich men's sons seldom equal the achievements of their fathers? I'll tell you why. It is because they have been deprived of the self-discipline which comes from being forced to work.
Look into the records of moving picture stars or athletes who suddenly find themselves in possession of big money and hero worship and praise from the public. Observe how quickly I move in and take them over in many cases, mainly through sex, gambling, food, and liquor. With these I catch and control the biggest and the best of people as soon as they get their hands on big money.”
Why do you feel that the lack of self-discipline makes celebrities, athletes, and other individuals that fall into money quickly so susceptible to the Devil?
Question 6:
“A: That is exactly correct. I can-and I do-interest non- drifters in my bribes, because I use for the purpose of bribery the things all people naturally desire, but the non-drifter resembles a fish that steals the bait from your hook but refuses to take the hook.
The non-drifter takes from life whatever he wants, but he takes it on his own terms. The drifter takes whatever he can get, but he takes what he gets on my terms.
Stating the matter in another way, the non-drifter borrows money from a legitimate banker, if he wants it, and pays a legitimate rate of interest. The drifter goes to the pawn shop, hocks his watch, and pays a suicidal rate of interest for his loan.”
The non-drifter takes from life whatever he wants, but he takes it on his own terms. The drifter takes whatever he can get, but he takes what he gets on my terms.
Stating the matter in another way, the non-drifter borrows money from a legitimate banker, if he wants it, and pays a legitimate rate of interest. The drifter goes to the pawn shop, hocks his watch, and pays a suicidal rate of interest for his loan.”
Why does the drifter, in this situation, resort to selling his watch and paying such a large interest for his loan? Is this similar to individuals resorting to credit cards and selling what they have to buy what they cannot afford?
Question 7:
“Q: Now I am beginning to better understand your technique. You bribe your victims through their natural desires and lead them astray while you induce them to become drifters if they respond to your lure. If they refuse to respond, you plant the seed of fear in their minds or trap them through some form of misfortune, and hog-tie them while they are down. Is that your method?”
“Q: Now I am beginning to better understand your technique. You bribe your victims through their natural desires and lead them astray while you induce them to become drifters if they respond to your lure. If they refuse to respond, you plant the seed of fear in their minds or trap them through some form of misfortune, and hog-tie them while they are down. Is that your method?”
So he makes us drift and if that doesn't work he hands us negative circumstances or seeds of fear and doubt. Why do you believe the Devil is so successful in his efforts most of the time?
Question 8:
“A: Be definite in everything you do and never leave unfinished thoughts in the mind. Form the habit of reaching definite decisions on all subjects.”
“A: Be definite in everything you do and never leave unfinished thoughts in the mind. Form the habit of reaching definite decisions on all subjects.”
Why is it important to never leave unfinished thoughts in our minds?