
Reading to Unlock the Mysteries of the World

Why study Psychology, Science, or Spirituality? And why study all three for that matter?

Plato's "Theory of Forms", which Plato's Socrates seems to point to time and again in Plato's writings, states that the only truth is abstract ideas. Since these abstract ideas get filtered through our senses, the only truths we can reach in the material world is a subjective perversion of the real truth.

In the scientific method, a hypothesis is an idea that is proposed in order to provide an explanation for some sort of phenomenon. To test a hypothesis we need to observe and record data in order to come to a conclusion. The data has to be repeatable to prove that it wasn't a fluke. So we can propose a hypothesis based on Plato's "Theory of Forms" that psychology, science, and spirituality are all stating the same thing in different subjective ways which means that there's an abstract truth of which all these subjective views arise from. And in order to prove the hypothesis we'd have to observe what these different disciplines have to say and find if there's common ground between them.

By studying books on Psychology, Science, and Spirituality we will test the hypothesis that they are all stating the same truth in different subjective ways. By discovering these truths we can also apply these truths to our lives in order to better them.

As the Bible states in Deuteronomy 19:15 (New International Version), "One witness is not enough to convict anyone accused of any crime or offense they may have committed. A matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses." We can apply this idea to our hypothesis testing as well - one similarity is not enough, but two or more can be seen as evidence.

So over the course of this "book club" we'll look at books that deal with a variety of subjects. Try to find the links between them. I will put up some questions, chapter by chapter, that will help you think about the content of the book.

If we prove the hypothesis correct we will have created a Theory that we can work with. I'd call it the Theory of Alchemy as Alchemy is a practice in which alchemists believe that science, psychology, and spiritualism are all the same. Alchemy, in fact, is where we get chemistry from. Chemists are essentially alchemists that have dropped the spiritual aspect of the discipline.

So let us journey forward and test the hypothesis! And remember to apply the truths to your life so you can better it. Knowledge is only power if we can use it in some way, shape, or form.

- Tony Piccirillo